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Posts tagged “manipulate and seduce women by using the 7 Deadly Sins

Control, Manipulate And Seduce Women By Exploiting The 7 Deadly Sins

In my book, Get Laid And Keep Getting Laid Made Easy I have a chapter devoted to benefiting from the  7 Deadly Sins that controls, manipulates and seduces women.  The 7 Deadly Sins consists of lust, gluttony, pride, greed ,envy, sloth and wrath. As a Philosophical Satanist I use these so called 7 Deadly Sins to my advantage. For example, besides having pride in myself, I’ll use a woman’s pride against himself in order to have her thinking that she’s in control and/or to make her look inferior not only to me but to other women. Thus, could lead me to exploit envy, sloth and greed not to mention her insecurities. As for lust, I always look physically and psychologically attractive to women and that I’ll use gluttony to screw fat chicks. With wrath, I’ll use anger to benefit from simply by taking advantage over someone else’s wrongful actions that’s fueled by their emotions. Anger can also be one’s best friend if they know how to use it correctly towards achieving a certain goal and objective.

This is just some of the contents in the 7 Deadly Sins’ chapter and the Get Laid And Keep Getting Laid Made Easy book.

Sincerely, The Doctor


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